Deepen your commitment and lift your performance

“Deepen your commitment and lift your performance” Today, no matter what it is you are doing, deepen your commitment and lift your performance.  Lift the level of your activity.  Be what you wish to become. If you are working with people, act more professional in your demeanor, have more presence, exude more confidence.  Square back […]

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Stand in gratitude, no matter what your life holds

“Stand in gratitude, no matter what your life holds” Today, I wish you to stand in gratitude, no matter what your life holds.  Be grateful to be alive, to be drawing this breath, to be standing where you are, poised to take one more step on this glorious adventure. Does it not seem glorious?  Then […]

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Cease desperation and move toward peace

“Cease desperation and move toward peace.” Today, do not feel desperate about your life.  Do not look up in the sky and see the hands of the clock ticking away and feel that desperate need to accomplish something right now.  Do not spend your time and emotional energy in cataloging all of your faults and […]

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Use the power of the river

“Use the power of the river” Today would be an excellent day to gracefully surrender to the flow of life, accepting things as they are in this moment and moving into the next moment from that place of peace. To surrender does not mean that you no longer care about your life.  It is not […]

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