“There is no downside to belief in yourself. And so, why not believe?”
What is it about doubt that seems so appealing, that you spend so much time there? After all, what is there to lose by believing?
Doubt makes everything dark and confusing. It is like walking through a fog, stumbling over every little rock in your way. Belief is like sunshine, allowing you to see the next step with clarity, even if you are in the woods, even if you are in a field strewn with boulders, even if you are climbing a great mountain. With belief, you can go on, you can overcome, you can prevail.
There is no downside to belief. There is no upside to doubt. And so, why not believe?
It is a matter of mental training. It may not happen overnight, but if you choose to believe, you can change your way of thinking and transform your life. Just police your mind, and every time you hear doubt speaking, through your words or in your mind, stop and restate the thought framed in certainty, commitment and belief.
Embrace this new way of being right now. There is absolutely nothing to lose. For even if belief sets you out enthusiastically on a great journey, as it should, and even if you do not make the final destination in this lifetime, you still will have had the adventure. Doubt keeps you sitting in front of the television. Belief gets you out in the world making things happen, creating the world you envision.
Right now, believe. Believe in yourself. Believe that you are surrounded by help. Believe that if you can envision it, you can create it. Then get up and act with commitment and energy, creating your vision with every step, every breath. How utterly simple!
I Am This Today
I am full of belief. I know that I am strong and capable and can handle anything that I encounter as I venture out into the world of action, energy and commitment.
I am surrounded by help and all I need to do is ask for that help and it will be with me, sustaining me, encouraging me, showering me with opportunity and coincidence.
I believe. I believe in myself. I believe deeply in my worth. I am deserving of the love of the universe. I am love in action. I am.
This message from Quado is a gift to you from me.
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I wish you love, peace and joy, Carrie
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