Daily Quado: Dig deep into your truth and let it shine out

“Dig deep into your truth and let it shine out”

Today is a day for integrity, for living and being your truth.  And this is possible no matter what you are doing.  In fact, living your truth is most important when you are in circumstances which challenge you to be other than you truly are.  It is in these circumstances that you can learn and grow, that you can dig deep into your truth and find ways to let it shine, no matter what.

To live in integrity means to be honest, of course, but it also means much more than that.  It means that you go through life with your center calm and peaceful, because your actions are supporting what you intuitively sense as truth.  It means that you speak up and say what you truly believe.  It means that you take action driven from your center and your personal truth rather than from what will bring approval in the eyes of others.

If you think about people you admire, you will discover that they are people of integrity, people who went against what was commonly believed and helped to turn the tide, helped others to see things in a new light.

Be a light. Dig deep into your truth, find it and let it shine out. Shine out with what you are, what you know, and what you believe.  Be all of one piece, standing in truth, glowing with who you truly are.

I Am This Today

Today I dig deep and find my truth in the calm and peaceful center within.  I connect with myself and then I make all of my choices from that place of truth and rightness.

I am strong and courageous, able to express my truth.  The words come to me as I need them and my eloquence flows naturally from my heart of rightness.

I bring forth my truth from my center and pass it through my heart, so that it is colored and expressed with love and compassion for all.

I am peace and love.  I am truth.  I am.


This message from Quado is a gift to you from me. 

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I wish you love, peace and joy, Carrie

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