Daily Quado: You will be amazed at how your lack of criticism, anger and frustration will reduce it in everyone around you

“You will be amazed at how your lack of criticism, anger and frustration will reduce it in everyone around you”

Take responsibility for everything in your life.  Take responsibility for every bit of anger or frustration you feel.  Instead of blaming others or your past self for the situation you now find yourself in, come into that situation, accept that it is what it is, look at it honestly and openly, and then take complete responsibility for the action necessary to resolve it and move it forward.

Nothing is made better through frustration and anger.  Realize that much of what you attribute to others is a reflection back of your own attitudes.  If you are angry at someone for being so critical of you, realize that this is a form of criticism and judgment coming from you.  And the best way to reduce the criticism coming from someone else is to release your own, to just accept them as they are, allowing them to be, perhaps even reaching out in a positive way.  You will be amazed at how your lack of criticism, anger and frustration will reduce it in everyone around you.

And if someone else does need to adjust what they are doing or saying, if their negative attitude does not respond to your own personal adjustment, then try compassionate and direct communication.  First, spend time alone, breathing quietly and connecting with your higher self.  Then reach up and across to their higher self and connect in love.  And in this state of love and connection, ask:  How shall I approach this person, this situation?  And then jot down the answer that comes, if it comes in vision, words, a feeling or a knowing.  It is there, if you will allow it to be.

Then follow the direction you have been given, even if it requires you to be exceptionally brave or to open up new ways of relating and being.

You are responsible for your response, no matter what.  You are responsible for resolving the situations in which you find yourself.  Release the past, come into now, and own it.

I Am This Today

I am centered completely into now, this moment, and what it contains.  I look at it clearly and objectively, allowing my life situation to be and acknowledging it for what it is.

I connect deeply and lovingly with all people in my life.  I connect with them and know them through love.

And from this knowledge of the situation and the people within it, I take action, compassionate yet direct, guided by my center of truth.

I am peaceful.  I am loving.  I am responsible.  I am.


This message from Quado is a gift to you from me. 

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I wish you love, peace and joy, Carrie

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