Daily Quado: How can you know who you are, if you do not know who you are when tested?

“How can you know who you are, if you do not know who you are when tested?”

There are times when things do not work out as you had hoped and planned.  There are times when the obstacles on your path seem enormous and you despair of getting past them, over them, of moving them even one inch.  There are times when you wonder how it can be that your hopes and dreams have come to so little.

These are the times for you to dig deep and find yourself.  These are the times for you to find your courage and your strength, to pull out all that you are and show it to the world.  Nothing is gained by feeling sorry for yourself.  Nothing is gained by asking, “Why me?”

Everything is gained by digging deep and finding out who you are in the face of adversity.  Everything is gained by testing your courage, strength and patience against whatever the world tosses your way.  Everything is gained by believing in your strength and the help that is there for you.

How can you know who you are, if you do not know who you are when tested?  These are the times which matter and you are equal to them, every one.  Dig deep into your well and you will emerge stronger, truer and more full of love for yourself and for life itself.  For when you meet life face to face, when you rise to meet each occasion, no matter how terrifying it may first seem, you and life will develop a deep respect for each other, a respect which will turn to love over time.

I Am This Today

Today, I greet each challenge with gratitude, knowing that my strength will grow as I meet it.

Today, I know my own power and strength and welcome every opportunity to test it and prove to myself all that I am.

Today I am strong and courageous and full of faith.  I know who I am and I believe in myself.

Today I also know that I am deeply loved and cared for, and that I am surrounded by help at every turn.  All I need to do is rise to the occasion, and a host of angels will be at my side.

I am powerful.  I am full of peace and faith at my core.  I am.


This message from Quado is a gift to you from me. 

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I wish you love, peace and joy, Carrie

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