“Fall in love with yourself” Today, fall in love with yourself. Let your heart beat faster at the prospect of spending an hour alone with such a fascinating, intricate and complex person. Let your heart fill with love as you think about how precious you are, how lovable, how compassionate and caring you are. Let […]
Daily Quado: Each moment is a gift
“Each moment is a gift” Each moment is a gift. Each morning is a great present for you to open, a blue sky wrapped in the pink ribbon of dawn. Each day is a flower unfolding in beauty, spreading her perfume across the garden of life. Each relationship is a deep and mysteriously beautiful cave […]
Daily Quado: Enter the garden of peace and plenty
“Enter the garden of peace and plenty” There is a garden that awaits you. The sunshine of faith shines down gently. The water of love runs through endlessly. The flowers of opportunity and possibility unfurl each day and the soil of creativity is deep and rich. In this garden, an idea becomes reality, beauty and […]
Daily Quado: Experience everything as if it were brand new
“Experience everything as if it were brand new” There is a freshness to life. It blows through, full of clean newness. It is like the breeze that blows off the ocean, crisp and bright and full of promise. Do not stay indoors, your windows and doors closed, breathing in the stale air of old habits, […]
Daily Quado: You are perfect in your imperfections
“You are perfect in your imperfections” You, exactly as you are in this moment, matter. You are important. You, exactly as you are, without needing any improvement whatsoever, are deeply important. You are the piece in the puzzle without which nothing would be the same. You are the flower in the garden without which the […]
Daily Quado: Instead of making declarations about what you will do, do something right now
“Instead of making declarations about what you will do, do something right now” I wish for you to relax about your future. End the worry and anxiety. End the wondering about what will happen. Know that you are creating that future every moment, in your thoughts and in your actions, in the direction you are […]
Daily Quado: Fill yourself with joy, just because you can
“Fill yourself with joy, just because you can” Today, I wish for you to fill yourself with joy, just because you can. Regardless of your outer circumstances, regardless of how you or others have disappointed you, frustrated or angered you, and even if you are surrounded with uncertainty, you can still fill yourself with joy. […]
Daily Quado: There is a difference between creative visualization and day dreaming
“There is a difference between creative visualization and day dreaming” Today I would like to speak of the difference between creative visualization and day dreaming. A day dream, a fantasy, is powerless drifting. It is a vain wish that things might change, but without the power of intention and commitment, without the marshalling of your […]
Daily Quado: You will be amazed at how your lack of criticism, anger and frustration will reduce it in everyone around you
“You will be amazed at how your lack of criticism, anger and frustration will reduce it in everyone around you” Take responsibility for everything in your life. Take responsibility for every bit of anger or frustration you feel. Instead of blaming others or your past self for the situation you now find yourself in, come […]
Daily Quado: There is no downside to belief in yourself. And so, why not believe?
“There is no downside to belief in yourself. And so, why not believe?” What is it about doubt that seems so appealing, that you spend so much time there? After all, what is there to lose by believing? Doubt makes everything dark and confusing. It is like walking through a fog, stumbling over every little […]